Bring her the whole sexual world she has been dreaming of.

Make her totally blissful, orgasmic and vibrant.

Make her feel really in love with sex.

Be the lover that nobody has been, or will be

Be the dream she thought would never happen…

Make her truly, deeply happy in sex.

And discover a whole new world of amazing sex for yourself.

Bring her the whole sexual world she has been dreaming of.

Make her totally blissful, orgasmic and vibrant.

Make her feel really in love with sex.

Be the lover that nobody has been, or will be

Be the dream she thought would never happen…

Make her truly, deeply happy in sex.

And discover a whole new world of amazing sex for yourself.

I am not going to make you 'sex god' or 'the best'. What bullshit is that?

You can become a rare an amazing lover that women dream of but they never meet.

Somebody who can really open her sexual energies completely.

Open her complete orgasmic potential fully.

Give her the sex she has always dreamed of - not just fun, but also powerful, nourishing, loving, connected, rich, diverse and spiritual.

And incredibly awesome, beautiful and amazing to her, in her body, mind and heart.

Let her experience from sex everything she ever wanted.

Make her completely flourish from sex, feel so alive and grateful. Make her fall in love with sex completely and live off it.

And make her truly happy. For real. Really deeply happy. With love and gratitude towards you.

Because you are the only one who can make her feel this way in sex, and probably ever will.

Because no guys understand her and her sexuality and her body like you do, and can't tap into her body like you do.

I am not gonna tell you that she will scream your name all day long, that her orgasms will earth-shatter the building she lives in and she will come like every 5 seconds, and she will beg on her knees to stay every time you go to work.

Guys, do you believe that silly bullsh*t when you see it?

No - you can have a normal awesome relationship with her like another human being.

But you can make her feel so good, so alive, so vibrant, so amazing in sex that she will be really, really happy.

She will feel her sex dream has come true and you make her feel everything she really wanted.

And she will feel really grateful and in love.

Everything I said is totally real.

Because it's not some hyped up stuff I collected from the internet and repackaged to make an online business.

It's not something I just tried with my girlfriend.

And its not something I think has worked in a string of pick-up contests where no woman has ever told me the actual truth.

I am not going to make you 'sex god' or 'the best'. What bullshit is that?

You can become a rare an amazing lover that women dream of but they never meet.

Somebody who can really open her sexual energies completely.

Open her complete orgasmic potential fully.

Give her the sex she has always dreamed of - not just fun, but also powerful, nourishing, loving, connected, rich, diverse and spiritual.

And incredibly awesome, beautiful and amazing to her, in her body, mind and heart.

Let her experience from sex everything she ever wanted.

Make her completely flourish from sex, feel so alive and grateful. Make her fall in love with sex completely and live off it.

And make her truly happy. For real.Really deeply happy. With love and gratitude towards you.

Because you are the only one who can make her feel this way in sex, and probably ever will.

Because no guys understand her and her sexuality and her body like you do, and can't tap into her body like you do.

I am not gonna tell you that she will scream your name all day long, that her orgasms will earth-shatter the building she lives in and she will come like every 5 seconds, and she will beg on her knees to stay every time you go to work.

Guys, do you believe that silly bullsh*t when you see it?

No - you can have a normal awesome relationship with her like another human being.

But you can make her feel so good, so alive, so vibrant, so amazing in sex that she will be really, really happy.

She will feel her sex dream has come true and you make her feel everything she really wanted.

And she will feel really grateful and in love.

Everything I said is totally real.

Because it's not some hyped up stuff I collected from the internet and repackaged to make an online business.

It's not something I just tried with my girlfriend.

And its not something I think has worked in a string of pick-up contests where no woman has ever told me the actual truth.

I have had a face-to-face practice in London for 20 years where I teach people about advanced sex and sexual energy practices.

In those 20 years I specialised particularly deeply in female sexuality, as a sex coach and alternative sex therapist for women.

I have had a face-to-face practice in London for 20 years where I teach people about advanced sex and sexual energy practices.

In those 20 years I specialised particularly deeply in female sexuality, as a sex coach and alternative sex therapist for women.

I have worked with thousands of women directly, helped them open their deeper sexual potential, and to heal major sexual problems and difficulties.

So the techniques I teach really pass the hard tests of real life!

In those 20 years many women spoke to me and worked with me.

I heard women's honest truth.

Not the 'truth' they tell to a guy who they slept with.

But the truth they would tell to their coach and therapist - just as it is for real.

I heard their real needs and wishes.

I taught them stuff that really worked and brought them life-changing results.

I got to see what really works for women.

I got to hear how much women want you guys to have this knowledge and how happy it would make them.

In these 20 years I have also trained countless guys and this I have seen how those guys go way beyond the 'be the best' trashy online sex courses.

They really make their women happy in sex.

They really tap into women's real needs.

I have a lot to add to that too, guys.

The extensive wealth of my own diverse personal experience with women.

20 years of studying and applying in my own personal practice all of the sexual energy teachings, techniques and approaches you see out there (keeping what works and weeding out what is bullsh*t).

20 years of research into female sexuality as an expert in the field.

But the most precious thing I have is what women tell me when they work with me.

They asked me to be this bridge, to tell guys what they want.

They literally asked me to teach all this to men.

I am passionate about making this connection - between you guys and women.

I know it will make women happy, and it will make you happy because you've made her happy.

Women will love you back for it completely, in their radiant happiness.
I have worked with thousands of women directly, helped them open their deeper sexual potential, and to heal major sexual problems and difficulties.

So the techniques I teach really pass the hard tests of real life!

In those 20 years many women spoke to me and worked with me.

I heard women's honest truth.

Not the 'truth' they tell to a guy who they slept with.

But the truth they would tell to their coach and therapist - just as it is for real.

I heard their real needs and wishes.

I taught them stuff that really worked and brought them life-changing results.

I got to see what really works for women.

I got to hear how much women want you guys to have this knowledge and how happy it would make them.

In these 20 years I have also trained countless guys and this I have seen how those guys go way beyond the 'be the best' trashy online sex courses.

They really make their women happy in sex.

They really tap into women's real needs.

I have a lot to add to that too, guys.

The extensive wealth of my own diverse personal experience with women.

20 years of studying and applying in my own personal practice all of the sexual energy teachings, techniques and approaches you see out there (keeping what works and weeding out what is bullsh*t).

20 years of research into female sexuality as an expert in the field.

But the most precious thing I have is what women tell me when they work with me.

They asked me to be this bridge, to tell guys what they want.

They literally asked me to teach all this to men.

I am passionate about making this connection - between you guys and women.

I know it will make women happy, and it will make you happy because you've made her happy.

Women will love you back for it completely, in their radiant happiness.

by you learning:

how to last longer,

how to have orgasms without ejaculation / multiple orgasms for YOURSELF,

how to have a bigger dick,

how to have a constant erection,

how to have more stamina like a bull,

how to make her squirt.

But let me tell you how you will NOT make a woman truly, deeply happy in sex

by you learning:

how to last longer,

how to have orgasms without ejaculation / multiple orgasms for YOURSELF,

how to have a bigger dick,

how to have a constant erection,

how to have more stamina like a bull,

how to make her squirt.
But let me tell you how you will NOT
make a woman truly, deeply happy in sex
OK, all this stuff will go a LITTLE way.

But nowhere close to actually making her feel really good in sex.

Nowhere, NOWHERE close to opening her real sexual energy fully and her full orgasmicity.

I'm sorry to tell you the truth.

But but all this stuff is always sold to you because guys are always obsessed with these few topics.

So they sell you what YOU are looking for.

Because YOU believe that is what women are looking for.

So it's good business to sell this stuff to guys.

But it has nothing to do with what women actually want from sex.

OK, all this stuff will go a LITTLE way.

But nowhere close to actually making her feel really good in sex.

Nowhere, NOWHERE close to opening her real sexual energy fully and her full orgasmicity.

I'm sorry to tell you the truth.

But but all this stuff is always sold to you because guys are always obsessed with these few topics.

So they sell you what YOU are looking for.

Because YOU believe that is what women are looking for.

So it's good business to sell this stuff to guys.

But it has nothing to do with what women actually want from sex.
  • that you know how to touch her WHOLE body in the most amazing sexual way
  • that you can properly arouse her and give her exquisite foreplay
  • that you know how her whole body works and you can give her amazing sensations in breasts, clitoris and genitals in EVERY moment
  • that you don't just work on her orgasms and you enjoy the journey with her
  • that you can open her ongoing powerful orgasmic states and orgasmic waves, and not just quick flash of an 'orgasm' on the clit or in squirting
  • that you make her feel intensely sexually desired
  • and you know how to make her feel intensely sexual attracted to you
  • that you make her body feel really loved
  • that she feels connection with you in every moment of sex
  • that she feels you are always present with her, listening to her body and interacting with her, and not just working her
  • that you can make sex for her that has different moods and different energies
  • that you can give her a variety of interesting and diverse experiences and that sex is not the same every time
  • that you can read where she is at and give her exactly the mood she needs
  • that you can lead sex and she can relax, be taken by you and let go into your confidence
  • that you are master of everything from very tender sensual sex to tasteful hard f*cking
  • that you can make her feel free and liberated with you
I have created the COURSE out of my 20 years of experience of working with women as their sex coach and sex therapist.

I know their real truth, needs and wishes.

I've seen and researched how sex really works for women.

And I've taught countless guys over these 20 years how to put that into practice with their partners.
I have created the COURSE out of my 20 years of experience of working with women as their sex coach and sex therapist.

I know their real truth, needs and wishes.

I've seen and researched how sex really works for women.

And I've taught countless guys over these 20 years how to put that into practice with their partners.
  • A full understanding of all the DIFFERENT things women truly need from sex (there isn't only one!)
  • Complete knowledge off her whole erogenous body. Play it like a maestro in a way nobody has before.
  • A real understanding of her arousal. Several ways of arousing her and full mastery of foreplay technique. Stuff that truly works for REAL women (3 cheap tips are not enough, sorry).
  • Super-skills to activate her sexual energy most powerfully. Not just 'excite' her but really activate her full sexual richness.
  • Complete mastery over all the sexual areas: breasts, clitoris, vagina. Ultimate detailed technique.
  • Knowledge of all her best orgasms: how to open her absolute orgasmic potential. The whole spectrum of deep and powerful orgasms she can have. Orgasms that will make her vibrate and flourish in life, and not just some basic squirting orgasm you learn about on YouTube.
  • Complete ejaculation mastery for you - last as long as you want and be relaxed about it.
  • Understanding how to create a long-lasting sex life with her that is not just rich and diverse, but also loving and connected. You may want this too, but for her it is ESSENTIAL to be happy, so you need to deliver this to her.
  • A solid guided process if you have a partner. If you don't - we will build CONFIDENCE in all these skills through training, BEFORE you meet her.
Let me tell you - sex will be amazing in the way you have never seen it.

You will seriously upgrade your own ability to enjoy sex.

New ways of having sex, how to feel so much more, how to enjoy so much more.

And yes, I will train you in your own ongoing orgasmic experiences that are non-ejaculatory.

They are actually really simple.

But imagine a woman who is completely in love with sex.

She feels so alive and enriched in it.

She has been completely freed up and she loves every second of it with you.

She wants to enjoy sex in all the different ways it offers.

Do you think that will make better sex for you, when she gives back?

When she wants to explore it just as passionately as you do?
Let me tell you - sex will be amazing in the way you have never seen it.

You will seriously upgrade your own ability to enjoy sex.

New ways of having sex, how to feel so much more, how to enjoy so much more.

And yes, I will train you in your own ongoing orgasmic experiences that are non-ejaculatory.

They are actually really simple.

But imagine a woman who is completely in love with sex.

She feels so alive and enriched in it.

She has been completely freed up and she loves every second of it with you.

She wants to enjoy sex in all the different ways it offers.

Do you think that will make better sex for you, when she gives back?

When she wants to explore it just as passionately as you do?
I'm not just giving you information.

I want to build your confidence.

Real hands-on training to build real confidence in your skill

Because when it gets to the right time with the woman - you want to ALREADY HAVE THE CONFIDENCE.

How many course you have seen that give you training only on your own masturbation.

And all the techniques for her body are just some info what to do.

Does that make you feel CONFIDENT for that moment when you are actually with the woman?

Does it make you feel that you will remember it all and she will feel the skill in your hands and body?

Or are you worried that you won't remember and when the precious moment comes you'll cock it up?

I want you to BECOME THE BEST LOVER she has ever had BEFORE you are with her.

I will TRAIN you to become that lover before you are with her.

In only 8 WEEKS.

And if you have a partner now - great.

You will not just LEARN what to do but you will BECOME the man who opens her sexually completely.

In just 8 weeks.

How do we do this?

I am a sex coach and educator with 20 years of experience of training real people via real hands-on workshops.

This program will be a structured process of training.
I'm not just giving you information.

I want to build your confidence.
Real hands-on training to build real confidence in your skill.

Because when it gets to the right time with the woman - you want to ALREADY HAVE THE CONFIDENCE.

How many course you have seen that give you training only on your own masturbation.

And all the techniques for her body are just some info what to do.

Does that make you feel CONFIDENT for that moment when you are actually with the woman?

Does it make you feel that you will remember it all and she will feel the skill in your hands and body?

Or are you worried that you won't remember and when the precious moment comes you'll cock it up?

I want you to BECOME THE BEST LOVER she has ever had BEFORE you are with her.

I will TRAIN you to become that lover before you are with her.

In only 8 WEEKS.

And if you have a partner now - great.

You will not just LEARN what to do but you will BECOME the man who opens her sexually completely.

In just 8 weeks.

How do we do this?

I am a sex coach and educator with 20 years of experience of training real people via real hands-on workshops.

This program will be a structured process of training.
9 packed modules with all you need to know for women
detailed demos on video for ALL techniques that show you exactly how to do it, with a full walkthrough. No full nudity - all body movement is shown on actors with underwear, and all genital techniques are shown on super-realistic models.
guided audio walkthroughs for practice, to train your skill
training methods for solo and partnered students
3 live Q&A calls to ask all your questions
Understand the woman's true needs, how her orgasms really work and learn a range of practical technique to turn her on
Understand the woman's true needs, how her orgasms really work and learn a range of practical technique to turn her on
How to know everything about her sexual needs easily

Exact strategies for easy and effective communication about sex and in sex.

How to open the woman's sexuality and orgamsicity

Exact 7 things a woman needs in sex and you need to deliver

Two groups of orgasms you need to know that will put you above anybody else.

How to move from giving her basic orgasms to opening her ultimate powerful super-orgasmicity.

How female orgasms really happen.

Why all the orgasm techniques you learn never work.

Special super technique for powerful sexual touch on her body - what women value the most.

How to kiss her lips and her body in a super sexual way to turn her on.

One secret special super-skill to awaken her sexually and emotionally. whatever you are doing.

Last as long as you want, master non-ejaculation sex to retain your sexual energy, and 'orgasms without ejaculation'.
Last as long as you want, master non-ejaculation sex to retain your sexual energy, and 'orgasms without ejaculation'.

How to delay ejaculation and last longer: the easiest method.

My step-by-step training to permanently retrain your cock to last longer.

Two essential mental shifts to make lasting longer much easier.

My exact very effective method for stopping ejaculation if it is imminent.

How to channel your sexual energy in the easy way anyone can do.

Sex without ejaculating: my super easy and super effective method.

How to retain your sexual energy without ejaculating to boost your performance, vitality and wellbeing.

How to open ongoing orgasmic waves in your body (otherwise known as 'orgasm without ejaculation' and 'multiple-orgasm for men').

How to make non-ejaculation more EASY and enjoyable.

What is the right balance between ejaculating and non-ejaculating.

Become a master of the clitoris: advanced techniques with full sequences for touching, and for oral sex
Become a master of the clitoris: advanced techniques with full sequences for touching, and for oral sex
Why the normal way to stimulate the clitoris kills her sensitivity and orgasm.

How to touch the clitoris in the orgasmic way she hasn't had before.

The best techniques for oral sex - Full sequence and walkthrough.

The best techniques for stimulating the clitoris with fingers - full sequence and walkthrough.

Over 20 movements you can use and experiment with.

Special teasing sequence to get her super sensitive and turned on before you even touch the clit.

How to give extended ongoing orgasmic waves on the clitoris.

How to be a master of pacing and progression - the key to clitoral stimulation.

How to touch with connection and love - super important for her sensation.

Best ways to ask for feedback and guidance - how to make it easy for yourself and make her happy by asking!

Walkthroughs you can put on and follow.

Walkthroughs to train yourself on your own.

Actual training exercises of your finger and tongue to develop your sensitivity to touch - to build your confidence before action.

Become the master of the vagina: advanced techniques to touch all the sensitive areas inside the vagina
Become the master of the vagina: advanced techniques to touch all the sensitive areas inside the vagina
The full detailed map of sensitive areas inside the vagina.

Why you can't 'finger it' - or you'll turn it off. Most guys ruin it.

A-spot stimulation: powerful orgasmic ongoing experience. Full demo and detailed walkthrough. My special technique for x5 sensation.

G-spot stimulation: my special technique for x5 sensation. Full demo and detailed walkthrough.

The secret technique for combined A-spot + G-spot stimulation - an incredible experience for her

How to be a master of pacing and progression - this is how you increase her sensitivity x10.

How to help her to relax and feel more in the vagina - this is essential or she can shut down.

Demo of the compete sequence of touching all the sensitive areas of the vagina. Give her an amazing whole experience or vaginal bliss.

Why squirting is a fad and will give her bad sex.

Walkthroughs you can put on and follow when with her

Walkthroughs you can practice with to train yourself.

Actual training exercises to develop your sensitivity in your finger - to build your confidence before action.

*I do not teach squirting because it is by far not the amazing sex for women that you are led to believe, and you will learn in this course why. I teach you far more powerful techniques that will make her more orgasmic than squirting. If you want to make her squirt, learn it elsewhere but study this course too as this course will teach you far more important things. To make a woman squirt it's enough to practice the one movement you see everywhere on Youtube. There is nothing else you can learn about it and no need to buy a whole course on it.

Become the master of the breasts: advanced techniques to touch all the breasts and the nipples for riches sexual energy
Become the master of the breasts: advanced techniques to touch all the breasts and the nipples for riches sexual energy
Why breasts are so important for women's arousal.

Why the normal way guys touch breasts will turn her off.

How to touch breasts in a powerful sexual way. Detailed demo and walkthrough

How to touch breasts in every position easily, to keep her turned on all the time.

How to kiss breasts and caress them with your face - women get really turned on by this.

My special technique to touch nipples. Detailed demo and walkthrough

How to suck on nipples and lick them. Detailed demo and walkthrough

How to cause orgasmic sensation in nipples (if the woman is sensitive there).

Walkthroughs you can put on when with her, just follow

Walkthroughs you can practice with to train yourself

Understand the different ways she gets turned on and become the master of them. Exact sequences and patterns to follow
Understand the different ways she gets turned on and become the master of them. Exact sequences and patterns to follow
Understand how she gets aroused - it is different from you.

Why most guys fail at turning on a woman.

How to get her aroused in her whole body, really intensely and deeply.

How to turn her own in her body, heart, energy and in her connection with you - women love this.

Special super-technique for arousal that turns on any woman x10 faster - and all women love it.

Exact foreplay sequence: my exact very clear sequence for the best arousal in any woman. Just follow.

How to EASILY bring a lot of variety into this sequence to keep sex fresh and interesting and not get her turned off.

Exact demo of the foreplay sequence, with demos of several variations.

A technique to turn up intensity for passionate foreplay that will be intoxicating for her.

Two audio walkthroughs in different positions that you can follow with a lover.

Walkthroughs to practice arousing her in your imagination to build up your intuitive skill.

How to turn her own mentally: 3 very easy ways, nothing complicated.

How to turn risky 'dirty talk' into much better 'erotic talk' - and it's easier

How to find out her own specific and unique turn ons and please her with them.

How to make her feel amazing in the intercourse and open her vaginal orgasmicity. Techniques on movement, flows, patters, positions and pacing.
How to make her feel amazing in the intercourse and open her vaginal orgasmicity. Techniques on movement, flows, patters, positions and pacing.
Why guys usually TURN OFF the vagina and all its orgasms with typical movement.

How to make the vagina feel really good with your movement.

How to move to open the most sensitivity and orgasmicity in the vagina.

Simple tweaks to turn your normal movement inside the vagina from boring to amazing.

Three new moves inside the vagina that will give her really powerful sensations.

How to open her most intense area of pleasure in the depth of the vagina.

Why you might be blocking vaginal orgasms with your movement.

How to facilitate vaginal orgasms.

The exact sequence of movement and build up the you need to follow for her biggest pleasure. Full demo and walkthrough.

How to control the pace to avoid ejaculating too soon.

How to build up orgasmic potential in the vagina using cycles of intensity.

How to keep her feeling loved and connected to you in the vagina - very important for women.

Why positions don't make good sex and you can ruin sex if you're too busy with positions.

What 'personality' each position has for her and how to play on that for her maximum satisfaction.

How to bring enough variety into each position.

Demos on all movement, sequences, and positions.

Understand every single type of orgasm she can have and how you can help her experience it.
Understand every single type of orgasm she can have and how you can help her experience it.
How to open her full orgasmic capacity for all orgasms

Two groups of orgasms women can have and why one is more important than the other.

Which orgasms she will appreciate the most from you as more enriching and nourishing for her.

How to give her the clitoral orgasm most effectively.

How to give her the clitoral orgasm in penetration (if she is predisposed)

How to give her the G spot orgasm

How to give her an extended ongoing orgasm in the clitoris - never-ending full-body orgasmic waves

How to give her a powerful ongoing cervical orgasms

How to open in her a variety of vibrant vaginal orgasms.

How to make her orgasms a full-body experience

How to lead her into a vibrant whole-body ongoing orgasmic state - a blissful state of her whole-being that doesn't end. Her most powerful orgasmic experience.

Fulfil all her sexual needs, bring ultimate variety and long-lasting ever growing sex life

Fulfil all her sexual needs, bring ultimate variety and long-lasting ever growing sex life

What kind of variety women really need (not the mainstream bullshit)

A really simple way to make sex unique and fresh for her every single time.

How to make her relaxed about orgasms and yet open her full orgasmic potential - she really needs that.

How to adapt to her daily needs and give her exactly the kind of sex that will be perfect for her today - and she will be grateful for it.

How to open up a woman, help her to free herself up and become more liberated in sex.

How to lead sex and be attractive in your strong masculine without trying hard to be 'dominant' in a cringy way.

How to make sure that your partner in a relationship will never go off sex - and actually values sex more and more every day.

This is the strongest side of my courses - you will find that all the videos on techniques are exceptional:
very detailed technique
step-by-step walkthroughs
all body techniques shown in super real interaction (no nudity)
all genital techniques are super detailed on hyper-realistic models
This is the strongest side of my courses - you will find that all the videos on techniques are exceptional:
very detailed technique
step-by-step walkthroughs
all body techniques shown in super real interaction (no nudity)
all genital techniques are super detailed on hyper-realistic models
You can safely try the course with a full money back guarantee.
I am confident that you will see that:
the quality of content is exceptional
you get very detailed and clear demos
I train you effectively
If you don't feel that, then I will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

You just have to request it before the 4th module (Vagina) is up, I.e. before the specified data of the release of this module.
You can safely try the course with a full money back guarantee.
I am confident that you will see that:
the quality of content is exceptional
I train you effectively
If you don't feel that, then I will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

You just have to request it before the 4th module (Vagina) is up, I.e. before the specified data of the release of this module.
you get very detailed and clear demos
This is NOT ALL.

Those who complete this course will have access to my Level 2 program - the Advanced.

In this program I will be teaching you guys absolutely advanced techniques that will be totally out this world.

It will be pure magic that women have never even known about.

So get this done and there is more coming.

This is NOT ALL.

Those who complete this course will have access to my Level 2 program - the Advanced.

In this program I will be teaching you guys absolutely advanced techniques that will be totally out this world.

It will be pure magic that women have never even known about.

So get this done and there is more coming.
Leave your name and I will contact you as soon as the course next opens.
Leave your name and I will contact you as soon as the course next opens.